The first steps, Concept animation for the mechanisms of this concept bike turning into a reverse trike.
Mechanism use for the transformation is finished. The chassis of the bike is undergoing a concept stage.
I also added some details such as packages attached to the back because this render is inspired by Death Stranding's Reverse bike model and animation.
All 3 segments of the chassis are in place. Later in the project I would decide to rework the whole chassis due to some issues of animation and creativity. Sometimes you have to undergo a fresh start to get a project done. This project was a big stepping stone as progress is progress, but sometimes you have to sacrifice progress to just get passed road blocks in the creative process.
This render was a camera tester as at the time I was testing parented cameras.
The camera is attached to the wheel hub.
When thinking of projects I hadn't finished, I thought of this projects.
After 2 weeks of being stuck on how to fix this project. I looked at the project as a whole, the chassis needed to look more sleek, the 3 segment design is getting complicated and trying too hard to look more like a Ducati motorcycle than a Long wheel based motorcycle, so that morning I looked up some inspiration and found loads of great inspiration from multiple franchises and decided to pull inspiration and put it into my own project.
The design features some ideas from stuff like Tron, Akira, BMW and Maserati concept bikes. The only 2 segments in this design are the main body and the bumper around the front 2 wheels and the wheel hub. The previous design used to have the chassis sit on top of the mechanism. This design has the chassis sit inside the body, it makes the mechanism seem like it's apart of the bike instead of making it seem not attached.
I separated some parts of the current design to create even more animation detail. The rotating cylinder on the front wheel hub is meant to be a sort of pulley to try help the motion of the arms pulling apart and rotating the wheels